江西省特种水产产业技术体系 环境控制岗位专家:李思明 团队简介续2
英文论文: (1)Xiaoze Guo, Xu-Fang Liang*, Liu.Fang, Xiaochen Yuan,Yi Zhou, Li Bin. Effects of dietary non-protein energy source leves on growth, body composition and lipid metabolism in herbivorous grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Val.) [J]. Aquaculture Research, 2013, 46(5):1197–1208. (2)Xiaoze Guo, Xu-Fang Liang*, Liu.Fang, Xiaochen Yuan,Yi Zhou, He Shan, Shen Dan. Effects of lipid-lowering pharmaceutical clofibrate on lipid and lipoprotein metabolism of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Val.) fed with the high non-protein energy diets [J]. Fish Physiology and Biochemisty, 2015, 41(2):331-343. (3)Yanliang Chen, Liqiao Chen*, Jian G Qin, Zhili Ding, Ming Li, Haibo Jiang, Shengming Sun, Youqin Kong, Erchao Li. Growth and immune response of Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) fed diets containing different lipid sources [J]. Aquaculture Research, 2014, 47(6):1984–1995 . (4)Zhi Liu#, Wenshu Liu#, Chao Ran#, Jun Hu, Zhigang Zhou*. Abrupt suspension of probiotics administration may increase host pathogen susceptibility by inducing gut dysbiosis. Scientific Reports, 2016; 6:23214. (5)Chao Ran#, Jun Hu#, Wenshu Liu#, Zhi Liu, Suxu He, Bui Chau Truc Dan, Nguyen Ngoc Diem, Ei Lin Ooi*, and Zhigang Zhou*. Thymol and carvacrol affect hybrid tilapia through the combination of direct stimulation and an intestinal microbiota mediated effect: insights from a germ-free zebrafish model. Journal of Nutrition, 2016;146:1132–40. (6)Liu WS, Ran C, Liu Z, Gao Q, Xu SD,
Ring E, Myklebust R, Gu ZM, Zhou ZG*. Effects of dietary Lactobacillus
plantarum and AHL lactonase on the control of Aeromonas hydrophila infection in
tilapia. MicrobiologyOpen,MicrobiologyOpen, 2016; 5:687–699. (7)Liu WS#, Yang YO#,
Zhang JL, Gatlin DM*, Ringø E, Zhou ZG*. Effects of dietary microencapsulated
sodium butyrate on growth, intestinal mucosal morphology, immune response and
adhesive bacteria in juvenile common carp (Cyprinus carpio) pre-fed with or
without oxidised oil. British Journal of Nutrition, 2014; 1-15. (8) Liu WS, Ren PF, He S, Xu L, Yang YL,
Gu ZM*, Zhou ZG*. Comparison of adhesive gut bacteria composition, immunity,
and disease resistance in juvenile hybrid tilapia fed two different
Lactobacillus strains. Fish & shellfish immunology, 2013;35(1): 54-62. (9) Zhu H P*, Liu Z G, Lu M X, Gao F Y,
Ke X L, Ma D M, Huang Z H, Cao J M, Wang M. Screening and identification of a
microsatellite marker associated with sex in Wami tilapia Oreochromis
urolepis hornorum. Journal of Genetics, 2016, 95(2):283-289.
Zhu H P, Liu Z G, Lu
M X*, Gao F Y, Ke L, Huang Z H. Screening and identification of microsatellite
markers associated with cold tolerance in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. Genetics
and Molecular Research. 2015,14 (3): 10308-10314. (11)
Zhu H P, Lu M X*, Huang Z H, Gao F Y, Ma D M, Zhou L, Gui J F. Karyotype
analysis of Oreochromis mossambicus, O. urolepis hornorum and their hybrid
based on Cot-1 DNA bands by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Aquaculture
Research, 2011, 42(8): 1178-1185. (12) Zhang Dawen, Liao Qiegen, Zhang Li,
Wang Donggen,Luo Linguang,Chen Yuwei, Zhong Jiayou, Liu Jutao. Occurrence and
spatial distributions of microcystins in Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater
lake in China. Ecotoxicology, 2015, 24(1):19-28. (13) Zhang Li, Zhang Dawen*,Wei
Yihua, Dai Tingcan. Risk assessment of trace elements in cultured freshwater
fishes from Jiangxi province, China. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment,
2013, 186(4):2185-2194. (14) Zhang Dawen, Deng Xuwei, Xie Ping,
Chen Jun, Guo Longgen. Risk assessment of microcystins in silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys
molitrix) from eight eutrophic lakes in China. Food Chemistry, 2013,
140(1-2):17-21. (15) Zhang Dawen, Yang Qiang, Xie Ping
Deng, Xuwei, Chen Jun, Dai Ming. The role of cysteine conjugation in the
detoxification of microcystin-LR in liver of bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis):
a field and laboratory study. Ecotoxicology, 2012, 21(1):244-252. (16) Zhang Dawen, Zhang Xia, Tian Lei,
Ye Feng, Huang Xiaoping, Zeng Yanyi, Fan Minling. Seasonal and spatial dynamics
of trace elements in water and sediment from Pearl River Estuary, South China.
Environmental Earth Sciences, 2013, 68(4):1053-1063. (17) Li, SM; Ouyang, LH; Zhou, DG*. Effects
of vitamin D3 on expression of defensins, Toll-like receptors and vitamin D
receptor in liver, kidney and spleen of Silky Fowl. Czech Journal of Animal
Science, 2013,58(1):1-7. (18)Y Wang#,SM
Liu*. Mutations of TYR and MITF Genes are Associated with Plumage Colour
Phenotypes in Geese. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2014,
27(6):778-83. (19) Long Zhang, Lu Lu, Siming Li*, Guolong Zhang, Linghua Ouyang, Kelsy Robinson, Yanqiang Tang, Qing Zhu, Diyan Li, Yaodong Hu, Yiping Liu*. 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin-D3 Induces Avian β-Defensin Gene Expression in Chickens. Plos One, 2016, 11(5).